Contact Information
My name is Kathy Czervionke and I am so excited to be the School Counselor at Hatton Elementary. I am a product of Hatton High School and graduated in 1988. From there, I attended and graduated from the University of North Alabama with a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work. As a Social Worker for over 20 years, my employment consisted of working as a Case Manager for the Moulton/Lawrence Mental Health Center and as a Medical Social Worker with the Lawrence County Health Department. I decided to continue my education on a different career path and obtained a Master’s Degree from the University of West Alabama in Guidance and Counseling. With my new academic credentials, I began working as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor for Franklin County. My primary focus was working with students within Russellville City Schools and the Franklin County School systems, along with the adult population, who experienced disabilities that affected their ability in obtaining employment. While working in that setting was rewarding, I knew that my desire to work with the students of Lawrence County would be the end goal. Prior to working with the staff and students at Hatton Elementary, I worked at Speake School as their School Counselor. The past 5 years have been very fulfilling for me professionally and personally as I am back home where my educational journey started at Hatton Elementary! Being a helping professional working with our families and students as a School Counselor is my way of giving back to the very community that invested in me!